Advanced Embedded Systems Technical Interview Questions for Experienced | Embedded Systems VIVA Interview Questions for Freshers
VLSI Interview Questions>>
- What is the difference between a microprocessor and a microcontroller?
- When would someone opt for a microprocessor instead of a microcontroller for building a system?
- What are the typical characteristics of Embedded Systems?
- What are the major challenges that one would face when building an Embedded System?
- Differentiate general pupose system and embedded system?
- What is a register and what is it made for?
- What is the program counter used for?
- What is the use of Stack Pointer?
- What is the size of stack pointer? Can we change the size?
- What is the real-time operating system?
- What is the role of a bus in a microprocessor?
- What is Address Latch Enable(ALE) and how is it useful?
- What is an Accumulator?
- What is the use of G.P.R and list the GPR's available in 8085?
- What is an Interrupt?
- Define Interrupt latency?
- What is polling and What is the difference between Interrupt and Polling?
- How is timer different from the counter?
- Do we have different IC's for timer and counter available?
- What are flags and why are they needed?
- What are the different types of addressing modes?
- What is the instruction decoder?
- What is 8259 Microcontroller?
- What is RISC and What is CISC, Explain the difference?
- Which architecture is used in the ARM?
- What is the purpose of CPSR in the ARM?
- How can we set thumb state and JAZELLE state?
- What are the multi-rated characteristics in Embedded Systems?
- Explain ROM, ALU, Assembler?
- What are the four primary operations of a microprocessor?
- What are opcode and operand?
- Explain machine control operation?
- How is instruction set classified?
- Explain Partial Decoding?
- What is Set Interrupt Mask(SIM)?
- Which are the operating modes for 8255/PPI?
- What is parallel to serial conversion and Viceversa?
- What are USART, SPI, and I2C protocols?
- Explain A/D and D/A converter?
- What are the characteristics of memory mapped I/O?
- What is the design metric?
- Differentiate between nMOS and pMOS transistor?
- What is the purpose of datapath of the controller?
- Define PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, and Flash EEPROM?
- Define SRAM, DRAM, PSRAM, and NVRAM?
- Differentiate between port-based I/O and bus-based I/O?
- Differentiate open, loop and closed loop control systems?
- Describe the eight parts of a closed loop system?
- Explain Pulse width modulator?
- What are the parallel protocols used in Embedded Systems?
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